... and Lo is getting bigger by the minute!
Work, baby and hubby are keeping me VERY busy, hence the lack of blogging.
Baby girl is such a good baby and we CANNOT get enough of her!
She loves EVERYONE.
She loves EVERYONE.
She's a good sleeper (knock on wood, I'll probably regret putting this in written word, but she deserves some credit for how well she's slept since such a young age).
She laughs and smiles especially in the morning when she first wakes up.
She's starting to grab and hold on tight to things (we call things like this tricks).
She loves tummy time, now that we've elevated her on a boppy and got a new snail friend (must have toy for tummy time aka. tummy torture, before boppy and snail friend).
She gets grumpy in the afternoons and can be a real wah wah baby butt (but so can I).
She's still sleeping in our room, but we'll probably try to start transitioning her to her big girl crib or at least her room SOON!
She's growing out of clothes like crazy (I get sad packing little things away).
She's a trooper in the car.
She loves nature and being outdoors.
Enough about the bug (my nick name for her- bug, buggie...), here are some recent photos.
Looking cute in Ethan's onsie after peeing through her diap (oops, mommy forgot a change of clothes)- First walk of shame! ;)
Her BFF's James (left) and Ethan (right)
They've known eachother since they were in our bellies.
This was their first playdate and as you can see, they are clearly super entertained by one another!
This was their first playdate and as you can see, they are clearly super entertained by one another!
Tummy time!!!
We recently tried Stroller Strides (not exactly strolling) & Mommy & Me Yoga!
We go to a Mother's Gathering Group every Monday at a Mother's Haven, where we learn new songs, exercise and discuss milestones and motherhood, it's amazing.
Life is full and complete, I'm a happy mommy and wife.
Looking forward to a fun summer that's bound to fly by!
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