

As most of you know, I'm pretty much an OCD clean freak, so cleaning supplies and things that smell good are almost as exciting as flowers and new shoes to me. With a baby on the way, I've been trying to be more conscious about the environment and chemicals in these things... Pre-pregnancy it was- what can make my floors gleam and who cares what's in it. Recently, I was on a hunt for dryer sheets that would be okay for baby. I found
these Method Baby Dryer Sheets, but the smell was a little intense for me, however some might like and they definitely fluff and make your clothes soft (at least I think so). While at a new baby store in Newport,
Bel Bambini I picked up a box of
these BabyGanics Dryer Sheets and I think I'm hooked. Side note: Bel Bambini is a super cute store with lots of furniture and a great variety of baby/young kiddie stuff. I believe there is one on Robertson too.
On another note, I was in a cheapy mood while buying stuff at CVS over the weekend and picked up the TP on sale. BAD/BIG mistake!! Scott toilet paper is "worse than what they probably have in prisons," says my husband Shane. Oops. Note to self. Spring for the plush stuff when buying TP.
So Shane decided that while I'm 35 weeks pregnant, it would be a good time to do a pretty crazy cleanse and drop a few lbs. Seriously?! Shake and fruit for breaky, shake and protein bar for lunch, some almonds as a snack, shake and veggies for dinner. All while wifey is not supposed to diet and has been pretty limited on exercise due to a pelvic bone that feels like it's breaking in two! I'm proud of him for sticking to it and making it through 5 days of cleansing though. Here's to hoping it wasn't that bad and he'll do this kind of thing with me when I'm not carrying our child anymore. At the end of his cleanse he got sicky. Poor guy was man down with a cold, similar to the ones I've mentioned in some earlier blog posts. He had to miss our first birth class on Saturday. Didn't want daggers thrown our way for bringing a sniffling fool to class. Luckily, mom doesn't live that far and was able to pinch hit for him right at the last minute.
Click here for info on Birth and Beyond where we took our class. It was rather informative and made me realize a few things I'd like to shoot for in the arrival of our little one. For one, staying home as long as I can or until I'm in active labor before going to the hospital seems pretty ideal to me now. Part 2 is next weekend and I'm excited to have Shane by my side. One things is for sure in all this having a baby stuff... it's a wild unpredictable ride and I'm trying to prepare myself for the unexpected, while hoping for the best case scenario.
This weekend was GORGEOUS, like now I know why I endure traffic and other annoying LA crap to live here, gorgeous! Yesterday we took maternity photos with my dear friend
Jillian Rose. It could not have been a more perfect day weather wise. She found this amazing succulent nursery in Malibu,
Cosentino's. I wish I took a pic to share now, but you'll just have to patiently wait like me to see our photos, as the ones I've found online don't do this place justice.
Our nursery is 90% complete. We are waiting on our glider, some canvases for over the Boo's crib and for hubby or neighbor Dan to hang a shelf (had to throw that in there since they both hate me for bugging them to get it up) and it will be finished. I love spending time in there already and know that it will be truly complete when she arrives and we can share moments with her in there. Can't wait to share when it's finally finished. It's been fun and interesting collecting things from all over to achieve our vision while not breaking the bank!
Happy Monday!